Saturday, May 5, 2012

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Spam in mailbox. Can we get rid of it? At least we can try.

Spam has become an integral part of our mailboxes these days. No one can avoid them, unless you have created an email address for not using it to signing up or using any online or offline services. Spammers too know that this is the only way to reach a large audience to market their services.
Though we are not interested in spams, but we cannot deny the fact that sometimes they do catch our eye, and thats when their purpose is fulfilled.
There is no way to get rid of these mails if you through away your email address everywhere on the internet. Now a days you can't even buy a pencil on internet without providing your email address, even marketplaces around you make you fill surveys in return of some cheap discounts, thereby getting your email address and other information, and that's where it all begins. Once they have your email address, you ought to receive spam.

So the question is, how to save ourselves from all this? There is no full proof way of doing so, you can just be extra careful and hence prevent your email address from landing into spammers list.

Some tips you must remember -

1. Do not give or provide your email address to any unreliable source. Be it for any subscription, any discount offer or part of any survey. Because you never know who ends up selling their collected emails list to spammers.

2. You better have two email addresses , first one for official and personal use, and the second one for registering for services, filling surveys, online shopping etc.

3. Its often said that if your email address is complex then you might survive against spammers, because they do not prefer hard email addresses, but thats not true. So do not just create a random, long and tough email address and think you are secure.

4. You can report your mailing service(whichever you use), against the spam emails. Most of email services like gmail, hotmail etc provides spam control. Once you mark any of them as spam, your email service will automatically mark any further mail form that particular spammer as spam, and will put it in the SPAM box.

5. Never reply to spam emails, that confirms that the your email address is valid and working, hence the spammers will be more interested in your email address. Sometimes spammers trick you by providing an "Unsubscribe" link, that's just a trap, to confirm your email address's validity.

6. Creating Throwaway addresses. This can be very useful practice for domain owners. Every time you subscribe for any new service, create a new email address, for eg. for subscribing to wtfdiary's newsletter. Hence, if you receive spam on this email address, you have all right to complain wtfdiay for this, because no one else knew about this address. If spams still don't stop, simply delete the address.

We hope someday we will for sure receive some full proof solution against spam, and that day will be a tough day for easy and wide "Spam Marketing".

Thanks for Template.