Tuesday, April 15, 2014

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18 Things That Happen When You’re Drunk: As Told By Animals

A state when you lower your inhibitions and you pour all the weird stuff out of your heart, is known as Drunk state. Different people express themselves in different ways, but all drunk people exhibits almost common behavior. So here are 18 Things you do involuntarily when you are drunk. You just can't stop yourself from all this.

1. You start Facebook stalking all of the people you Love to Hate. Also you gather guts to message "Hi" to all your crushes.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

2. Your Facial Expressions becomes 10 TIMES BIGGER THAN USUAL...BECAUSE OF ALCOHOL.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

3. For some unknown reasons, the "AWESOME" selfie you thought you took ends up being a big error in judgement.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

4. You become so disoriented that you stop talking out of nowhere and become that weird quiet person hanging out and staring.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

5. You know you’re gonna fall at some point in the evening, so you just start going for it.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

6. All of your inner delusions of grandeur come out…

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

7. …Shortly followed by your delusions of inadequacy.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

8. Your attempts to show off in front of your crush don’t go so well.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

9. Your inner lunatic comes out and starts picking fights with people.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

10. Lying down sounds like a good idea, so you’ll pretty much do it wherever you’re standing.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

11. Your methods of flirting become both bizarre and… minimal.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

12. The room starts spinning juuuuuust a little bit.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

13. You decide to show off your vocal “abilities.”

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

14. Your brain invents new and creative ways to drink without using your hands...

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

15. …the same is true for any food you may be eating.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

16. You find a way to get the most out of every glass.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

17. You get a little too handsy and extra cozy with friends.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

18. Your depth-perception becomes… not so great.

Things That Happen When You’re Drunk

If you do something else when you are drunk, and you think your actions need a special mention here, then please do share by commenting. and don't forget to SHARE THE ARTICLE :)

Thanks for Template.