Monday, April 30, 2012

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How to change the Title tag of Blogger blog post page for better SEO

Title Tag is a very important part of your web contents because this is the tag which is checked by the search engines and all other Social Networking websites, when any user shares your Website's link there. Hence you must be very careful about this, think and update it appropriately. Here's how you can do that.

Follow the step by step guide below to achieve higher rankings in search engine results.

Steps to change the Title Tags for New Blogger (beta) Blogs and making them more informative about the blog Post.

1. Login to your blog at and navigate to Design > Edit HTML

2. Backup your template by downloading it to your computer. This will ensure that you can upload your template before these changes in case of problems.

3. Replace the following line of code (about 5-10 lines from the top): Use ctrl+F to search this code in your template's coding.

with (highlight code, Ctrl + C to copy)

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> |

4. Click on Save Template and then View Blog. Navigate to an individual post. You will see that your page title is now first followed by your blog title. A pipe symbol separates the two.

Changes to Title bar that we just did -

Earlier (before changes) - :: Title of your blogpost

After (when you did what I told you to do above) - Title of your Blogpost |

Thanks for Template.