Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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20 Best Free Digital Audio Editor Softwares for Windows

Digital Audio Editors are computer based applications to edit and manipulate digital audio files. An audio editing software can be used for recording audio, editing duration, intermixing of tracks, adding digital effects, enhancing quality and also for converting an audio file to various other file formats. Its a must have software for multimedia lovers and creators.

With all these amazing functions there are plenty of softwares available online for free to assist you with your experiments with digital audio files.

So in case you were thinking of buying some expensive software for this purpose, you must first go through the below list of 20 Amazing and Free Audio Editors and then decide.

1. Audacity

2. Power Sound Editor

3. Mp3DirectCut

4. Music Editor Free

5. Wavosaur

6. Traverso DAW

7. Ardour

8. Rosegarden

9. Hydrogen

10. WavePad Sound Editor

11. Expstudio Audio Editor

12. DJ Audio Editor

13. Eisenkraut

14. FREE WAVE MP3 Editor

15. Kangas Sound Editor

16. Ecawave

17. Jokosher

18. LMMS

19. Mp3Splt

20. Qtractor

We hope all these Audio editors will give you a lot of options to choose from. Select the best for you, which suits your requirements perfectly and enjoy. And if you know any more such Audio editors, do let us know, we will surely like to update this list.

Thanks for Template.