Monday, February 15, 2010

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This God's gifted life
We move on covering miles,
Meet and greet people
Allwith these fake smiles...

They are all stabbers
different souls in front
and at back,
Characters opposite
like white and black...
Every one here a mean creature
Never get moved by mere facial pictures,
There's a difference in Gold and Silver
Same goes with the image of human, inverted when seen in Mirror.

What we see is'nt always true
We sumtimes understand them, when they've passed through.
I too have experience checked and collected in piles,
I too long for a person with Fake smile...
One who'll smile in pain
When there's nothing to loose , nothing to gain
Will have Fake smiles
to make me forget my sorrow
and will make me feel warm in cold rain...
Such fake smile I cherish
And do take care of such people as they easily Perish..........
With Love

Thanks for Template.